Online Civil Plan Drawing Jobs

Table of Contents

Concept Design Drawings

Preliminary Design Drawings

Detailed Design Drawings

Approval for Construction Drawings

Standard Detail Drawings

As-Built Drawings


If you are a Civil Engineer then preparing or reviewing ceremonious engineering drawings must be a function of your daily job, but exercise you lot know how many types of Civil Engineering Drawings are prepared for any infrastructure blueprint and construction project?

type of civil engineering drawings

If you are keen to know this, please read this blog in detail.

Concept Design Drawings

A Civil Engineering project generally starts with a concept design, where the customer or government agencies would like to conceptualise the possibility or feasibility of new infrastructure, be it a new superhighway or airport or Metrolink, etc. Then, they commence the Concept Design Process and gear up Concept Blueprint drawings to understand the pros and cons of the projection in detail.

Although these drawings are prepared with loads of assumptions and exclusions, they tend to assist the regime to determine the way frontward of that projection.

Preliminary Blueprint Drawings

If the concept blueprint drawings receive a positive nod from the regime, the next pace is formalising the design and filtering down the assumption. At this phase, designers piece of work on the granularity of the project and develop each discipline's model and drawings of the project.

For instance, in a highway infrastructure project, individual disciplines similar highways, drainage, Lighting, Route Restraint System, etc develop their own drawings. They work collectively to produce the design mode. These drawings are called Preliminary Design Drawings.

These drawings are reviewed by all stakeholders and wellness & prophylactic teams. Run a risk assessments are carried out and mitigation measures are recorded for the adjacent stage of the design. The provides online courses to explain how to use Auto CAD to develop civil engineering drawings.

Here you tin notice three Machine CAD courses and a total of 13 modules to cover all key commands to develop CAD drawings.

Hither is the link to those courses:

  1. Machine CAD basics – Level-1
  2. Auto CAD – Level-2
  3. Highway Drawings with CAD

Please come across some of our AutoCAD courses at our Youtube channel.

Detailed Blueprint Drawings

The Detailed Design stage, the project moves to great detail and all the rubber issues are mitigated through pattern. Detailed blueprint drawings are prepared along with the tender parcel for the contractor to Bid for the project via a Tender Process. These drawings play a very important part during the tender stage.

Whatever missing information or error in the pattern would pb to filibuster or cost overrun at the construction stage.  So, the designers need to make sure that the blueprint drawings are adult in thorough item with zero mistake.

Approval for Structure Drawings

One time the Detailed pattern drawings are approved past the client, the "approval for construction drawings" is issued to the contractor to commence the construction process. The construction drawings along with the setting out information are used by the contractor to ready the construction programme and sequencing.

At the starting time stage of construction, the contractor generally commences the diversion of underground services like telephone lines, broadband, electric lines, drainage pipes, etc. at this stage, Statutory service owners play a very important role. They provide their utility diversion plans and liaise with contractors to smoothly accomplish the diversion process.

Afterwards this, all the remaining assets are synthetic as per the construction programme.

Standard Detail Drawings

There are many products that are used equally standard products many times. For example, drainage manholes, Gullies, Street Lighting Columns, Traffic Signals are standard products. So, it is recommended to develop standard drawings for those products. Sometimes clients provide their own standard details to employ for some avails.

These assets come with the client's bespoke design or logo. For instance, the county quango sometimes prefer to have pedestrian guardrails or Bollards or Bins with their specific blueprint, colour and council'due south logo marked in them. Similarly, the diverse production manufacturers provide their ain bespoke products, so they have their own standard details.

For example, Aco provides various drainage products similar kerb drains, slot drains, etc so they have their library of standard details.

As-Built Drawings

As-built drawings are produced by the contractor one time all the construction activities are complete and all underground and overground assets are constructed and the route is ready to open up to the public for use.  These equally-built drawings help the client to employ it in future if whatever new project is planned to initiate in the same project surface area.

For example, if a new car park is planned close to a newly built junction, and so information technology's very important for the client to know what underground services are laid in the project surface area and how they will impact the new design proposal.

blog - what is BIM


Civil Engineering science drawings play a very important function to transform the design into reality. The quality of drawings and the inside information needs to be well presented and with naught errors. The quality of drawings represents the sincerity and hard work of engineers, designers and CAD technicians.

It gives immense satisfaction to the designers in one case they run into the newly constructed infrastructure on the basis that they used to see on paper for years during the design development process.

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  • What is Swept Path Analysis? 6 Of import Points
  • What are As-Built Drawings in Construction? half-dozen Important Points

  • 30 Most demanding and useful design software for Civil Engineers



Founder at, Pooja is an Entrepreneur unlocking human potential. Working in the Principles of Lean Start-up, Pooja believes in Transparency and User Happiness the near. Pooja's background in teaching gives her a sophisticated grasp on even the most tedious aspect of course building. She is passionate most people who believe that skillful is non enough.


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