Application for Leave of Absence for Family Reasons

How to Ask for a Leave of Absence

By Indeed Editorial Squad

Dec 3, 2021

If you lot need an extended period of time abroad from work, you may ask your employer for a go out of absence. To assist your employer prepare for your time away, present your reason for the absence professionally.

In this article, we explain common reasons to ask for a leave of absence and steps and tips to communicate your need to take 1.

Related: Guide: Leave of Absence Letter Request (With Examples)

What is a leave of absenteeism?

A leave of absenteeism is when an employee receives permission from their employer to accept time off work for an extended period of time. You should ask your employer for a leave of absenteeism if you know yous volition exist unable to work for more than than a couple weeks merely wish to return to your task.

Some common reasons employees take a get out of absence are to recover from a serious illness, undergo a medical procedure, assist a family unit fellow member, take an extended trip or welcome a new child into the family.

Protected leave of absences

There are certain types of leave of absenteeism that are protected under federal law such as jury duty and motherhood leave. Before request your company to take a leave of absence information technology's important to understand your rights.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 is a labor constabulary requiring covered employers to provide employees with unpaid leave for qualifying medical or family unit reasons. A get out of absence does not by and large include pay, but it does guarantee that someone can return to work without penalization. Under FMLA guidelines, people can take continuous leave, intermittent leave or reduce their piece of work schedule.

Eligible reasons to take FMLA include:

  • Providing infant care following the nascency of a kid

  • Providing kid intendance after adopting or fostering a child

  • Receiving medical handling

  • Providing care for a family member

  • Seeking personal or social services

Reasons to take a go out of absenteeism from work

There are other circumstances in which you may be eligible to take a exit of absence, outside of FMLA reasons, that are granted at the discretion of the employer.

Some examples of reasons for taking leave of absenteeism include:

  • Armed forces exit

  • Sabbatical

  • Curt-term disability

  • Long-term inability

  • Family or personal leave

  • Bereavement

  • Ongoing education

  • Extended vacation

Related: Skillful and Bad Excuses for Missing Work


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A sabbatical is an extended exit from your job that guarantees your position when you return. Taking a sabbatical gives you the chance to:

  • travel the earth

  • complete personal goals

  • participate in your community

  • connect with nature

  • residue

  • participate in a relaxing activity

  • spend time with loved ones

  • go back to school

How to inquire for a go out of absenteeism

Use these steps to enquire your employer for a exit of absence:

1. Bank check visitor policies

Earlier making a request for a exit of absence, check your company'due south policies by looking at your employee handbook or contacting an HR representative. Inquiry your company'southward policies for lengths of go out, types of go out and whether they offer paid or unpaid leave.

ii. Speak to your supervisor

Since your absence from your position may have a significant effect on your visitor, information technology is best to speak to your employer in person if yous tin. Try to schedule a coming together with your immediate supervisor to discuss your need for a leave of absenteeism. Afterwards your conversation, send a follow-up email to ostend the details of your leave.

three. Put your request in writing

Submit your formal asking for a go out of absenteeism by letter or email. Your request should include the type of leave you demand and how much time you'll need with a specific date for your return. Enquire if at that place are any steps you demand to take to make your leave official. Whether yous disclose the specific reason for your leave of absence is optional, only if you accept a close relationship with your supervisor or a compelling reason, information technology may exist a proficient thought to explicate why y'all demand extended time off from work.

Related: Guide: Leave of Absence Alphabetic character Request (With Examples)

Leave of Absence Letter Format

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Get out of Absence Letter Format

  1. Date

  2. Recipient company and accost (proper name of optional)

  3. Request

  4. Statement of gratitude and adjacent steps

  5. Endmost and signature

four. Give advance notice

Endeavour to make your request well ahead of time, or loop your manager in on a life event that may crusade you to take a get out of absenteeism. For example, if you are meaning you lot may consider letting your managing director know when you are a couple months along then they can start taking steps to ready. Your employer may need a few weeks to notice someone to cover your position or make a plan to manage your workload. A timely request may also aid you lot to maintain a positive relationship with your employer.

5. Offering to aid

If you are able to, it is professional person to assist your employer in making plans to manage your workload while yous are away. Y'all could offering to help observe or train a temporary replacement, explicate your workload to your colleagues or exit instructions about your typical duties.

Tips for asking for a get out of absence

While your chat around asking for leave volition be unique to your situation, there are a few basic tips you tin follow to brand the conversation as seamless every bit possible:

  • Provide clear kickoff and end dates. Providing both a start and end appointment for your exit of absence will help make your request specific and clear.

  • Consider alternatives. Earlier requesting a exit of absence, consider whether you could work office-time or from domicile instead of leaving piece of work completely.

  • Inform your colleagues. After you have communicated your leave to your employer, transport a find to your coworkers that you will be gone.

Related: Guide: Adieu Email to Colleagues (With Examples)

Example requests for a leave of absence

Consider using these sample requests to help y'all communicate your own leave of absenteeism:

Instance 1: Formal email request

August 1, 2019

Subject: Medical Leave of Absence

Honey Mr. Jimenez,

As you know, I have been ill lately, and my physician has suggested that I take time off from work to be able to recover completely. I am contacting y'all to asking a medical go out of absence for two weeks, from Aug. 7 to Aug. 21.

Please permit me know if there are steps I need to take to make this official with the HR section.

I will be happy to aid you in arranging for someone to manage my workload while I am abroad. Thank you for your understanding.

Natalia Bisset

Example 2: Email follow-up

Baronial 1, 2019

Subject field: Personal exit of absenteeism

Hi Helen,

As nosotros discussed earlier today, I am writing to confirm my leave of absenteeism from Sept. 1 to Sept. xxx. I capeesh you allowing me this personal fourth dimension to exist with my family. Please let me know what I can do to assistance with the transition before I get out, or if I should take any steps to make my leave official.

Thanks again,
Jaime Martin


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